As my four-year journey at Stanstead comes close to an end, I remember my first day here as if it were yesterday. 那种兴奋、紧张和对即将发生的事情的期待仍然清晰地浮现在我的脑海中. Over these years, I have met countless people, 参加了许多体育比赛,学到了很多宝贵的经验. While my time at Stanstead might sound like a seamless adventure, 事实是,这是一段充满挑战的旅程,充满了起起落落. Let me share some of those experiences with you.
Students at Stanstead College come from, on average, 20 different countries, each with its own set of traditions, customs and history. 我们的国际学生在多元文化周期间有机会分享他们的文化遗产, 在那里,他们接管学校的厨房,准备来自祖国的传统菜肴.
Community Service
Students who take part in our community serviceprogram once a week visit residents in nearby seniors’ homes, 遛狗,在当地的课外活动中与孩子们一起工作. 这是一种支持社区和发现帮助他人的双向利益的方式.
Plus, once a year, 我们的学生和老师集体前往斯坦斯特德镇和其他地区进行清洁, pick up and help out during our Community Service Day.
Duke of Edinburgh
作为体育课程的一部分,所有九年级学生都要参加 Duke of Edinburgh bronze award program. 这个项目的目标是在课堂之外的几个领域挑战学生. Through community involvement, learning new skills, goal setting and pushing personal limits, 鼓励学生发掘隐藏的才能和个人资源.
Service Trips
Service also takes place off campus -- way off campus. For the past decade, 体育菠菜大平台的学生和老师利用三月的假期,与仁人家园合作,在中美洲和非洲帮助建造房屋.